2016, January - The University of Sydney Sydney College of the Arts, Website
2015, August - IMPACT 9 International Printmaking Conference, Catalogue
“supported by the Arts Development Fund of the Home Affairs Bureau, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”
2014, December - Hong Kong Graphic Art Fiesta, Catalogue
2014, November - RMIT 2014 Graduate Exhibition, Catalogue (p.131)
2014, September - Pingyao International Photography Festival, Catalogue (p.172)
2014, June - RMIT First Site Gallery, Leaflet
2013, August - Ballarat International Foto Biennale, Leaflet
2012, November - THE GALLERY of HONG KONG ART SCHOOL, Poster
2012, October - ARTMAP Express Hong Kong International Photo Festival 2012
2012, September - 遇上藝術 • 走到藝術道上 (p.1) Hong Kong Art School
2012, August - ARTSPIRATION Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK)
每個人都有自己的故事,透過拍攝和分享,我們可以理解到彼此的不同,並從而嘗試尋找貫穿其中的同。這是「另眼.相看:賽馬會社會紀實攝影計劃」的目的。 由香港攝影文化協會主辦,計劃透過社區工作坊、及一連兩個月的大型巡迴展覽,讓不同社會背景的人士(包括不同種族人士、不
同能力人士、新來港婦女、專業人士和學者等等),以攝影來紀錄自己所屬之不同社群的獨特生活寫照。(編導 阮行恩) |